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发布时间:2023-08-30    点击数:

报告人: 连勇, 加拿大工程院院士,新加坡工程院院士,IEEE Fellow

时 间:2023-7-31(周一) 15:30

地 点:深圳大学粤海校区致腾楼510


Many scientists and engineers have been fascinated by the notion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) since its inception in the mid-1950. After more than 50 years, AI has finally made inroads to our daily life, affecting the lives of regular people from moment to moment. The rapid development of AI is benefited from the better algorithm design and the increase of computation power at the Cloud. However, when it comes to real-time applications, edge devices, and consumer products, such as smart IoT sensors and wearable healthcare devices, the embedded AI looks much more attractive than the Cloud based solution. Embedded AI can be treated as an ASIC implementation of specialized AI engine that processes lots of analytics but uses lots less power. In this talk, a brain-inspired event-driven system architecture is introduced for embedded healthcare applications, which adopts event-based signal representation that uses asynchronous schemes. We will show by examples that the event-driven system significantly improves energy efficiency and is well suited for AIoT health applications.


连勇教授是加拿大工程院和新加坡工程院院士,IEEE Fellow。他的研究工作获得十多项国际大奖,包括:2023年 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Mac Van Valkenburg Award, 2023 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award, Design Contest Award at 2015 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2011 Institution of Engineers Singapore Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award, 2008 IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award, and 1996 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Guillemin-Cauer Award. 连院士目前担任 IEEE第一学部(微电子)候选主任, IEEE 出版与产品理事会理事,IEEE期刊出版对外合作委员会主席,IEEE加快与中国出版机构合作试点计划委员会主席, IEEE Fellow 评审委员会委员等职务。他曾经担任IEEE Circuits and Systems Society主席, 负责出版的副主席,负责亚太会员的副主席,IEEE CAS Society EEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II首位亚洲主编。
