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学术报告:Nonreciprocal Quantum Optics

发布时间:2023-12-20    点击数:


报告人:景辉 教授(湖南师范大学)

邀请人:李朝红 教授

时  间:2023年12月21日(周四)10:30-11:30

地  点:深圳大学沧海校区致原楼 1206会议室


The unidirectional transmission of quantum information plays key roles in applications in invisible sensing and precision measurement without feedback noise. Photodiodes, isolators, and other conventional nonreciprocal one-way transmission devices mainly focus on one-way control of transmission rates, i.e., mean photon numbers in classical regimes. However, the crucial element for the curious properties exhibited by quantum states resides in quantum fluctuations, which stem from the uncertainty principle. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the recent progress in our group toward developing quantum nonreciprocal devices, including nonreciprocal phonon laser, nonreciprocal photon blockade, and nonreciprocal optomechanical entanglement with a spinning resonator. Our studies reveal: 1) It is possible to realize quantum nonreciprocity even in the absence of any classical nonreciprocity. 2) Driving the resonator from different input directions can exhibit entirely different quantum correlations, either emerging one-way control of sub- or super-Poissonian photon-number statistics, or enabling quantum nonreciprocal entanglement. 3) Quantum resources can be protected and engineered by utilizing diverse nonreciprocal devices. Our findings provide an unconventional tool for tasks that classical one-way devices cannot perform and uniquely bridge quantum technologies and nonreciprocal devices.


景辉,教育部知名学者特聘教授,中科院百人计划研究员,主要从事量子光学研究,主持国家自科基金重点项目、湖南省揭榜挂帅重大科技项目和创新团队项目。在 nature、nature physics、nature photonics、nature communications、science advances、prl 等期刊发表论文126 篇。
