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学术报告: Individualized brain radiomics-based networks track distinct subtypes in prodromal Parkinson’s

发布时间:2024-12-14    点击数:






      Individuals in  the prodromal phase of Parkinson’s disease (PD) exhibit significant  heterogeneity while prodromal Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be divided  into distinct subtypes according to its clinical symptoms, pathological  mechanism, and brain network patterns. In this study, we aimed to  differentiate the subtypes of prodromal PD by using the brain radiomics  data linked to the clinical presentations of each subtype. In  particular, individualized brain radiomics-based networks were  constructed for normal control group (NC; N=110), prodromal PD patients  group (N=262), and PD patients group (N=108). In addition, data-driven  clustering approach together with the radiomics-based network  measurement was carried out to cluster prodromal PD patients into  high-/low-risk subtypes. Interestingly, the clustering findings  demonstrated that one prodromal PD subtype closely resembled the pattern  of NCs (N-P; N=159) while the other was similar to that of PD (P-P;  N=103). Further, significant differences were also identified between  the subtypes in terms of multiple clinical measurements, neuroimaging  for morphological changes, and gene enrichment for synaptic  transmission. Identification of prodromal PD subtypes based on brain  radiomics-based networks and a full understanding of heterogeneity at  this phase might inform early and accurate PD detection and pave a new  avenue for effective neuroprotective intervention.


袁振博士,澳门大学健康科学学院教授,澳门大学认知与脑科学研究中心主任,协同创新研究院副院长。主要从事生物医学光子学以及神经科学和脑功能成像的研究。袁振教授在脑神经科学和生物医学光子学等领域取得一系列一流国际广泛认可研究成果。在包括 Science  Advances, Nature Communication, Research, Microbiome, Journal of  Behavioral Addictions, Psychological Medicine, Neuroimage, Cerebral  Cortex, Cortex, Human Brain Mapping等脑科学杂志,和Small, Advanced Functional  Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Biomaterials, Angewandte Chemie  International Edition, Theranostics, Optics  Letters, Optics Express,  Applied Physics  Letters 等生物医学光子学杂志发表高质量SCI杂志论文300余篇,H-index 为53。袁振教授现任 Quantitative  Imaging in Medicine and Surgery编委, BMC Medical Imaging和 Frontiers in  Human  Neuroscience 高级副主编, 是美国OSA和国际SPIE高级会员,中国神经学会理事,中国生物医学光子学会常务委员,澳门核医学与分子影像学会副主席。