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学术报告11:Confined and deconfined spin kinks in quasi-one-dimensional systems

发布时间:2025-03-07    点击数:

报告人:管习文 研究员


邀请人:李朝红 教授

时  间:2025年03月07日(周五)16:00-17:00



In a one-dimensional  (1D) antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain, the elementary excitation is  known as the continuum of two spinons,  fractionalized quasiparticles  responsible for spin fluctuation. Spinons behave as a Tomonaga–Luttinger  liquid at low energy, and service as rich resources in quantum  metrology. On the other hand, in recent years there have been great deal  of interest in confinement of such quasiparticles in spin-1/2  Ising-like quasi-1D antiferromagnets, leading to the exotic emergent E8  massive spectra in compound BaCo2V2O8,. In this talk I will first  briefly discuss historical growth of interest in confined and deconfined spin kinks, and recent  development of thermodynamics of the 1D Heisenberg spin chain.  Then I  will present in detail a many-body perturbation theory for analytical  calculation of the spin dynamical structure factor (DSF) of the confined  quasiparticles in two quasi-1D compounds Sr/BaCo2V2O8. Our results  reveal significant microscopic origin of the confined kinks and further  explain the experimental observation of the DSFs of the E8-like spectra  in these compounds.