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学术报告12:Single component Fermi gas in low dimensions

发布时间:2025-03-07    点击数:

报告人:张世忠 教授(香港大学)

邀请人:李朝红 教授




A single  component Fermi gas in three dimensions can only scatter via odd partial  waves while new scattering modes may appear if it is confined in  quasi-one or quasi-two dimensions. I discuss the experimental features  of the new scattering modes in these confined quantum gases and show how  they affect the radio-frequency spectral function. In addition, I  discuss how one can use radio-frequency spectral function to explore the  crossover from low to high dimensions.


Professor  Shizhong Zhang works on the general area of ultracold atomic gases. He  received his Ph.D from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in  2009 and did his postdoctoral training at The Ohio State University. He  is an early pioneer in developing a set of universal relations in  strongly interacting Fermi that later become a central quality in cold  atom physics. His recent works focuses on transport properties of  quantum gases with high partial wave scattering, and has been  particularly interested in the behaviour of viscosity in the strongly  interaction regime.