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学术报告13: Quantum entanglement accelerates quantum simulation

发布时间:2025-03-11    点击数:

报告人:赵琦 助理教授(香港大学)

邀请人:柯勇贯 研究员

时  间:2025年03月13日(周四)10:00-11:30

地  点:深大粤海校区光电所 313会议室


Quantum entanglement is an essential feature of many-body systems that impacts both quantum information processing and fundamental physics. The growth  of entanglement is a major challenge for classical simulation methods. In our recent work [ArXiv:2406.02379, QIP 2025 talk], we investigate the  relationship between quantum entanglement and quantum simulation,  showing that product-formula approximations can perform better for  entangled systems, tending to the average-performance [PRL 129 (27),  270502, QIP22 talk]. We establish a tighter upper bound for algorithmic  error in terms of entanglement entropy and develop an adaptive  simulation algorithm incorporating measurement gadgets to estimate the  algorithmic error. This shows that entanglement is not only an obstacle  to classical simulation, but also a feature that can accelerate quantum  simulation algorithms. Entanglement detection is another important task  in quantum information. In this talk, I will also present our recent  advancements in entanglement detection length, which refers to the  minimum number of particles that must be jointly measured to detect  genuine multipartite entanglement [PRL 134 (5), 050201].


Prof. Qi Zhao is an  Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, the  University of Hongkong (HKU). In 2024, he was recognized as one of the  MIT Technology Review “Innovators Under 35” for  the Asia Pacific Region. His research interests include quantum  simulation, quantum computing, quantum information, and entanglement  detection. He obtained a Bachelor’s  and Doctoral degree from Tsinghua University in 2014 and 2018  respectively. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of  Science and Technology of China in 2019. He was a Hartree Postdoctoral  Fellow at the University of Maryland in the United States before joining  HKU as Assistant Professor in 2022. He has published 45 journal  articles, including Nature, PRL, PRX, npj Quantum Information, PNAS, and  IEEE TIT. His works have also been presented as contributed talks at  important conferences in quantum information theory, such as QIP, AQIS,  TQC, and QCrypt, and he has served as a program committee member (PC  member) for AQIS.
